Whether B2B or B2C: use the change in retail as an opportunity

In many areas of commerce, e-commerce processes became commonplace long before the pandemic. Whether in wholesale or direct sales, the connection to B2B portals or e-procurement solutions including customer-specific pricing & discount agreements, availability, and delivery times has long been standard. Mail order has been keeping pace with the new online retailers for many years, and many of our retailers had already expanded their sales channels to include online retail before the pandemic. The much-cited transformation in retail presents every type of retail company with the challenge of both establishing resilient supply chain management and building a customer experience ecosystem. This is in addition to aligning the two throughout the company’s value chain.

Customer focus made simple in B2B and B2C commerce

Do you still remember? In the past, it was comparatively easy to know each individual customer company with all its contact persons and to maintain a partner-like customer relationship. The employees responsible in each case had everything in their heads – and often over an entire customer life cycle.

Today, whether B2B or B2C, even long-serving sales employees have difficulties maintaining an all-encompassing overview of each customer. That’s why we rely on the comprehensive digital capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365. They manage to gather the most relevant information from the many channels and systems in the customer experience ecosystem in order to successfully attract new and existing customers to the company.

Ein Mann und eine Frau schauen auf einen Computerbildschirm

Advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365

Faster processes

Automation along the value chain enables minimal throughput times of standard processes with a variety of effects: short delivery times, high warehouse throughput, gaining valuable processing time for essential tasks such as customer support, supplier management, etc.

Increase productivity and motivation

Teamwork across company boundaries for and with business partners boosts productivity as well as employee motivation.

Supply chains without gaps

Digital supply chain platforms accelerate all processes, create transparency from the third-country producers to the CEP, and guarantee compliance with supply chain due diligence obligations.

Individual Costumer Journey

Digital omnichannel platforms connect the processes between online and offline to create an end-to-end customer experience along individual customer journeys – from marketing to delivery and returns processing.

Quick Commerce & Co.

Modern point of sales (POS) with integration into central systems supports the expansion of stores into urban logistics centers for quick commerce and returns. In addition, the combination of online and offline customer guidance, including loyalty programs along the customer journey, becomes possible.

Transparency and short paths

Digital logistics processes, including the connection of your own automatic/high rack warehouse systems, new warehouse technologies such as RFID, as well as external logistics service providers and CEPs, create transparency and fast routes right through to the last mile.

Power Apps, Data & AI

New business models such as services can easily be tried out and implemented thanks to the seamless integration of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 product family and other technologies such as Power Apps or Data & AI.

Customer-focused value creation processes as a competitive advantage in retailing

It may seem almost like squaring the circle: how do companies balance their customer focus with resilient supply chains and efficient value-creation processes? Digital technologies such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 are an essential building block for this.

Eine Frau mit Tablet und ein Mann in Arbeitskleidung stehen nebeneinander und schauen auf einen Ausdruck

The company’s own product diversity, with the multitude of regular as well as alternative suppliers and regional networks, can again be digitally reviewed and controlled.

Customers can enjoy self-services via online commerce platforms and standard orders can be processed automatically in the shortest possible time – which at the same time relieves internal order processing in many ways.

Additionally, new concepts and models can be quickly tried out and implemented, enabling, for example, faster and more reliable delivery capabilities as well as quick commerce.

Last but not least, customers can now be accompanied beyond the store entrance or the telephone call and inspired to create individual customer journeys.

Our diverse client companies from the wholesale and retail sectors show that companies with a suitable digital strategy and an individual mix of digital technologies can definitely leave their competition behind.

Satisfied customers

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We guide you through the change

We know that not all employees welcome change, new ways of working, and digital tools and processes. Business transformations are also demanding and require practical expert knowledge, valid arguments, positive effects, and a lot of tact and empathy. Our experts bring all this with them, as well as a great deal of specialist and practical knowledge.

We are industry experts:

We love trade! That’s why we’ve learned all the different dialects of the language of commerce and can speak from retail to wholesale to direct sales. To help you quickly benefit from our experience and celebrate your first milestones, we’ve included a variety of best practices.

We are more than just an implementation partner:

Digital technologies and systems only develop their added value if they are deployed appropriately and used correctly. The prerequisite for this is a digital strategy, a tailor-made combination of digital solutions, and employee motivation. And we get them on board very quickly through training and mentoring. After all, no one has to get used to Microsoft anymore.

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Leandro Meermeier
Leandro Meermeier
Sales Director und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung