Logo der Arineo GmbH

Simply making better decisions

Our Data and Artificial Intelligence Portfolio

Get to know your company anew

Knowledge in companies is like the knowledge in a library: it’s there – but often nothing happens to it. Only when library books are read, when the contents are learned and applied in practice, does their knowledge unfold its true value. Artificial intelligence (AI) does exactly that with data: it reads it, learns connections, and thereby releases its full potential.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) allow you to make processes more efficient and discover blind spots that repeatedly lead to errors. Your company can make decisions based on transparent, objective criteria and discover new potential and opportunities for your own business. But beware – the results might astonish you!

Business Intelligence

Our BI team accompanies you from simple reporting from different data sources to integrated corporate planning with forecasting. You receive an in-depth analysis that provides an objective basis for strategic management decisions. So that you can optimally lead your company into the future!

Artificial intelligence for your company

At Arineo, we use data mining and image recognition together with artificial intelligence to help you create new added value from your knowledge. This way, we provide you with clear insights – and you quickly stay one step ahead of the competition.

Your request

Send us your inquiry, feedback, suggestion or other request conveniently via the form – we look forward to it!

Microsoft Solutions Partner Logo
Microsoft Gold Partner Logo
CrefoZert 2023 Logo
Arineo ist Gewinner des Personalwirtschaftspreis 2023 in der Kategorie Leadership und Kultur
Logo Zertifikat audit berufundfamilie 2023
SAP Gold Partner
SAP Recognized Expertise Logo

Awarded. If we do it, we do it right. There is a reason why we achieved Microsoft Gold and Solutions Partner satus, SAP Gold Partner status. And Creditreform has confirmed our excellent credit rating.

Whether copper or fiber optic – your direct line to us.

Michael Zielinski
Michael Zielinski
Senior Manager Data Intelligence