Process optimization with AI - timesheet approval made easy

Process optimization with AI - timesheet approval made easy

Quickly check the project team’s hourly bookings and off to the weekend? This often remains wishful thinking. Instead, the sun is setting while the project manager sifts through hundreds of timesheet entries with drooping eyelids.

What if artificial intelligence could learn from each approver what criteria to use to approve, reject, or correct entries? If it used those insights to pre-filter the entries likely in need of correction? Our team has developed just such an artificial intelligence.

It observes the correction behavior of each approver and deduces which bookings are most likely to need correcting.

In doing so, it takes into account up to 100 different factors and constantly updates its knowledge. The success is impressive: our project managers no longer want to do without the support of our timesheet regulation AI.

Process optimization with AI for repetitive tasks

There are tasks that nobody really wants to do. Timesheet approval, travel expense reports review, or the annual inventory. All of them are repetitive, unchallenging tasks, but critical for the company’s success.

This is where using an algorithm like our AI to control timesheets is particularly worthwhile. It learns from past data, updates its knowledge automatically, and, thus, massively increases the efficiency of recurring processes.

The advantages of process optimization with AI

Quality optimization

The algorithm helps reduce manual reconciliation efforts while increasing the quality and transparency of timesheets.

Man and machine in perfect harmony

AI assessment helps complete repetitive tasks faster and better – freeing up time for more challenging activities.

Constant improvement

Since the algorithm is constantly learning and transferring its knowledge from one project to the next, the accuracy is constantly increasing.

Transferable system

Our AI is designed to recognize recurring patterns in abstract structured data. This means that it can be easily transferred to other use cases, for example for the approval of travel expenses.

Efficiency booster AI

Find out in six exciting videos how you can sustainably increase your company’s efficiency with artificial intelligence!

I’m often asked if artificial intelligence couldn’t help us as we’re entering timesheets. This is a dilemma. On the one hand, this reduces the error rate in the final product; on the other hand, it also reduces the learning potential for the AI. Doing this would cause the AI to weaken itself.”
Stefan Heinrichs
Senior Data Scientist,
Arineo GmbH

Optimize your processes with AI

Are timesheet approvals or other recurring processes testing your employees' patience? Then request a proof of concept for the use of our AI without obligation now!
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Michael Zielinski
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