Customer Experience par excellence

Our SAP Portfolio

Customer Experience with SAP

There is no way to avoid the digitization of sales channels – even if you might have been around during the “good old days” of your company. Orders came regularly by phone or fax because customers appreciated the quality of the product and the business relationship. Such cases are becoming increasingly rare. A well-thought-out digital sales strategy and innovative sales channels are therefore essential! This is exactly where we come in with our SAP Customer Experience specialist team. They have many years of experience and have evolved with SAP’s Customer Experience solution portfolio. The majority of our team members are certified by SAP. Also noteworthy: within one financial quarter of founding our company, we achieved SAP Gold Partner status and the Recognized Expertise seal for SAP Commerce. So you can rely on us with a clear conscience as your SAP partner for your Customer Experience project!

Our Use Cases

Our team of experts specializes in sophisticated SAP Commerce implementations and is particularly proficient in integrating the solution into your existing ERP. In our Use Cases, we have compiled best practices from over 250 successfully implemented projects.

The Customer Experience Portfolio

Discover SAP’s modules for an outstanding customer experience! All solution contains a standard SAP backend integration and, of course, interfaces to all other SAP Customer Experience components.

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Whether you need more information, are interested in a live demo or just want to talk to our experts, we look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you and your company!

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SAP Gold Partner
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Awarded. If we do it, we do it right. There is a reason why we achieved Microsoft Gold and Solutions Partner satus, SAP Gold Partner status. And Creditreform has confirmed our excellent credit rating.

Whether copper or fiber optic – your direct line to us.

Patrick Hey
Patrick Hey
Head of Customer Experience Solutions