Power App

Arineo Use Case Knowledge Database

Knowledge transfer with the Use Case Knowledge Database

We had a great project once… Where is the documentation again? You have developed a lot of great use cases in your company, but you have no coherent overview? Everyone is familiar with their own field, but what other projects are there?

We felt the same way. That’s why we developed the Use Case Knowledge Database. Don’t keep on reinventing the wheel but rather opt for targeted knowledge management! Bundle your current and relevant knowledge in a central database to intelligently use the synergies between your teams. The database can be deployed in small or large companies worldwide. The best part: with the implementation of our Use Case Knowledge Database you do not have to pay for any additional Microsoft licenses.

Uda - Use Case Knowledge Database Logo

Transparency with the Arineo Use Case Knowledge Database

The Arineo Use Case Knowledge Database provides you with a quickoverview of your existing knowledge – whether projects, processes, developments, apps, or workflows. In the central dashboard, you have the option to customize and filter categories such as topics, areas, and contact persons as required. With one click you can also view a project’s documentation and status. The intuitive input form helps you to simply and intuitively document and maintain all projects in the database.

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Secure your knowledge stores

Intuitive operation

Search and maintenance of projects are intuitively accessible via the central dashboard – both on desktop and mobile devices

Individual categories

Individually tailored and filterable categories support quick searching

Company-wide collaboration

The Use Case Knowledge Database strengthens collaboration within the company

Customized design

The Power App can be customized to match the corporate identity

Do you want to drive your digitalization with Microsoft Power Apps?

Let's talk about it!

Our Arineo Use Case Knowledge Database is an ever-growing repository of power solutions for HR, finance, logistics, and numerous other departments. A now unlimited source for digital transformation in companies and the automation of business processes. Solutions by users for users.”

Harald Tingelhoff

Director Business Development

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