
Best Practice Toolset for Dynamics 365 Sales

Enhance your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales efficiency

Phone calls, meetings, e-mails – there’s always something more important to do than data entry in your CRM. But this is the foundation for sales success! With Arineo.Essentials, you reduce your efforts in Dynamics 365 Sales while simultaneously improving data quality. This allows the team to focus entirely on its core business: direct customer support.

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Less CRM, more customer care


The Arineo.Essentials Toolset for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales compiles best practices from years of experience with Microsoft CRM systems. Frequent customer requests have been incorporated into its development, as well as our own user experiences. The result: an optimized user experience in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales. In addition to intuitive graphical buttons, it includes interactive dashboards and smart automations to streamline your sales processes.

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Device Slider
  • Intuitive buttons for faster data entry on any device
  • Validation of required data upon creation
  • Interactive dashboards for evaluating conversion rates, generation rates, processing status, industry classification, etc.
  • Smart automation to sustainably reduce manual efforts throughout the entire sales cycle

Advantages at a glance

Easy to manage

Manage your leads, contacts, and opportunities even more intuitively and access comprehensive reports.


Reduce manual efforts and free up time for personalized customer engagement.

Interactive Dashboards

Keep track of your work and discover optimization opportunities. With the dashboards, you can view the most important metrics daily and in graphical form.

Want to get more out of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales?

Let's talk about it!

The Arineo.Essentials add-on also offers us great added value. This is a small but very efficient collection of best practice features that Arineo has developed specifically for Dynamics 365 Sales. A perfect tool for even more effective sales.”

Felix Dingermann

Chief Digital Officer, Brodos AG

Arineo Swing

We love, teach, like IT

From our own experience

We use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales ourselves and know exactly what advantages and disadvantages it brings. This is precisely why we developed the Arineo.Essentials Toolset. Our conviction: Sales is a craft. And a CRM is a tool that must fit perfectly.

At home with Microsoft

We are a Microsoft Solutions Partner, specializing in Business Applications, as well as Digital and App Innovations (Azure). Additionally, we were once again appointed by Microsoft to the prestigious Microsoft Inner Circle 2022/2023. Specifically, this means that we maintain a very close relationship with Microsoft, which allows us to bring additional expertise to the table when supporting our customers.

We focus on long-term relationships.

We like constancy – with our colleagues as well as with our business partners and customers. Thanks to our strong staff retention, we can ensure that you benefit from long-term support from the same contact persons. This has a positive effect on the quality of our services and on our whole business relationship.

Satisfied customers

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