19. July 2023
3 Minutes

Arineo donates €30,000 to charitable organizations

The Göttingen-based IT service company, Arineo, is supporting various institutions at its locations in Germany, Austria, and Denmark with a donation.
Arineo übergibt Wiener Tafel einen Spendenscheck über 2000 Euro.
Wiender Tafel

The selection of organizations was made with the participation of all employees at a total of 15 locations in Germany, Austria, and Denmark. Each location had €2,000 available for donations. Supporting children’s causes was a common theme among the employees. For example, some children’s hospices and projects like “Luftsprung” in Göttingen, which funds sports activities for children with cancer, are among the chosen beneficiaries.

The donation funds were entirely sourced from the company’s employee referral program. “For every new hire we make through a referral from a colleague, a certain amount goes into our Arineo recruiting fund, known as Areto for short. Employees can decide how this money is used,” explains recruiting specialist Jennifer Emrich. “Our employees consider it very important to think about those who are less fortunate. That’s why the decision to donate a portion of the money from Areto to charitable organizations was made quickly,” adds Sarah Peters from the Arineo Supervisory Board.

The selection of charitable organizations was done independently at each location. Often, employees had a direct connection to local institutions or selected them with great enthusiasm.

Local help ...

Copenhagen office

We chose to support the association “Alpetoppen” and thereby a soccer team for people with disabilities. We believe that we can really improve their lives by giving them the opportunity to play international soccer. This will be an unforgettable experience for both the players and their families.”

Anders Mogensen

Vienna office

With our contribution to the Wiener Tafel, we want to help fight food waste. That way, families who are on a tight budget can stock up on necessary groceries.”

Claudia Hohlhut

Chemnitz office

The work of Tierasyl e.V. helps to alleviate animal suffering, to offer animals a home, or to find them a new home. It’s nice to be a part of a community that is committed to the welfare and rescue of these vulnerable animals.”

Sven Maak

Salzburg office

With our commitment to FC Hammerau e.V., we aim to support the athletic advancement of girls and boys and thereby improve integration.”

Ulrich Grießer

Hamburg office

We chose to support the Sternenbrücke. A friend of ours works there and accompanies children until their last moments, and the relatives sometimes beyond that. The accounts from their daily work life not only make you grateful for your own health. Rather, a sense of humility arises when one hears that a child’s last wish is to go boating on the water in Hamburg’s city park because it’s something the child has never experienced and only knows from books, while theoretically, one could do this anytime with their own healthy child.

In addition to our donation to Sternenbrücke, we are delighted about the generous donation to “Knack den Krebs” – Fördergemeinschaft Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg e.V. There, too, the funds don’t just support vital cancer research and patient care but also fulfill the last wishes of both younger and older children.”

Annekatrin Raabe

Overview of all locations/nonprofit organizations

Press images

Harald Nagel, Claudia Hohlhut, and Julia Szewald