13. April 2021
3 Minutes
Bild mit Blattkrankheiten - Arineo Forschungspartner

Arineo is a research partner with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Arineo, an IT services company based in Göttingen, Germany, is receiving federal funding to develop new technologies using artificial intelligence. Now the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research has decided to fund these projects. Over the next four years, Arineo's experts intend to develop methods that will enable subsequent users to significantly simplify their respective work processes and limit the error rate.

[Göttingen, April 13, 2021] The term “Artificial Intelligence” is an integral part of the name Arineo – composed of the words “Artificial Intelligence” and “Employee Owned”. In two research projects approved by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Arineo will spend the next few years researching how the application of artificial intelligence can be used to develop “smart” algorithms that enable companies to make various aspects of their work simpler, more efficient, and error-free. The research volume for both projects totals 2.1 million euros, and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is supporting this work with 0.5 million euros.

Ziel des ersten Forschungsprojektes ist es mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz einen Wissensdatenpool aufzubauen, der es ermöglicht, unternehmensinterne und -externe Fragestellungen zu beliebigen Unternehmensprozessen zu beantworten. One example of this is the risk assessment of new customers in acquisition situations: Based on various data sources, the assessment of risk can be viewed from different angles. An intelligent algorithm can quickly deliver validated results using different weightings and relevance settings. On this basis, in turn, a company can decide whether the acquisition makes sense and is promising.

The second research project deals with artificial neural networks. The development of new image processing methods is intended to help companies optimize certain process steps in production with the aid of image or video recognition. By using a learning system, for example, diseases on leaves of different fruits and vegetables can be determined and appropriate treatment methods for disease control can be suggested. Such a system can therefore help improve agricultural productivity and is thus important for global food production, for which less and less land is available.

“The funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is a great opportunity for us,” says a delighted Dr. Marko Weinrich, managing director of Arineo GmbH. “There are no comparable solutions on the market so far. This opens up new potential for us in the market, with which we can not only win new customers but also underline Göttingen’s reputation as a center for research and science.”

“We have been involved with the use of artificial intelligence for and in companies for some time now,” explains Dr. Gerhard Heinzerling, senior data scientist at Arineo GmbH. “The fact that we are now pursuing this topic as a research project and are being funded by the federal government shows its importance.” Der Einsatz von lernenden Systemen wird uns unsere Arbeit in Zukunft erleichtern und weniger fehleranfällig machen.“

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