3. January 2024
2 Minutes
Stephan Dreis - Kollege bei Arineo

Tips and tricks for part-time work. Working to your own rhythm – Part 2

The reasons for reduced hours are diverse and highly individual. Sometimes, a slight reduction from the regular 40-hour workweek already provides relief. In some cases, employees reduce their working hours to 20 hours or less per week. In the second part of our short part-time series, Senior Consultant Stephan Dreis talks about things to consider before reducing working hours.

At my previous employer, working part-time was unthinkable, so I was pleasantly surprised that Arineo was open to this possibility when I brought it up. In my previous job, I traveled at least once a month for work and regularly worked 45 to 50 hours a week. However, when my first child was born, I wanted to spend more time at home with my family and advance my personal plans further. At Arineo, I started with a 32-hour workweek, and so far, managing my working hours on projects has worked great. Sometimes, we move meetings to another day – fortunately, everyone is very flexible. But I can also reschedule my day off if necessary. And if I miss a meeting, I can simply watch the recording later.

My tips for anyone considering part-time work: if you are already part of a team, create a suitable schedule together with your colleagues. Review ongoing projects and consider your part-time preference from the beginning in new projects. If you are considering changing jobs, openly discuss your part-time option from the outset. Remember that part-time usually means a lower income, so financial planning is important. Finally, you should think about how you want to make good use of your extra time. An extra day off was the ideal solution for me, but for others, a shorter working day might also be suitable.

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