11. March 2024
3 Minutes
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Get a taste of the IT world. School internship at Arineo

We are really excited to inspire young people for IT. Therefore, student interns are warmly welcomed at Arineo. We asked our colleague Yidong Yu from the Customer Experience Solutions (CXS) department how the two-week school internship works at our company, what prerequisites students should have, and what they learn with us.

Yidong, you have been involved in supervising student interns in the CXS department since August 2023. Over the past few months, you have already been able to supervise several students. How do you organize the internship in your team?

Yidong: We have a plan that roughly divides the internship period into three parts. On the first day, we give the students time to settle in and get accustomed to the environment. We show them around our building, i.e. where they can find everything and set up the work equipment. Then we start with a brief introduction to the team, including our trainees. We then provide an overview of our field of activity, namely web development.

That sounds great – the young people can immediately make contact with the trainees.

What is the first part of the internship like?

Yidong: We start by teaching the students one of the common programming languages. At the frontend, i.e. the data input area for users, for example, this is the markup language HTML. In the backend, the part that only the developers see, we use programming languages like JavaScript. Some interns already have some experience in programming or have specific requests, such as learning Python. We are happy to accommodate those requests. Students are often able to get their own project up and running during the internship.

So, the first part focuses on programming basics and application development, with initial practical exercises. What are your plans for the second part?

Yidong: We provide students with an insight into other areas of our company, including trial days in project management, the Microsoft Dynamics team, or the artificial intelligence department. The deployment options always depend on the areas that have sufficient personnel available to supervise interns effectively.

Trial days certainly provide a good overview of various areas of responsibility. Areas of responsibility. What follows in part 3?

Yidong: It is important to us to involve young people, whether in team or trainee meetings or our company-wide exchange formats. We like to involve them in what’s happening so they can get to know us better and understand how we operate. Last but not least, they will also learn more about the Arineo model of cooperative organization, as this is where we differ significantly from other companies. Sometimes, students even write their internship report for school about it.

With a well-thought-out internship plan, there is never a dull moment. What tips do you have for applying?

Yidong: Students can apply through our website. It is best if they describe why they find an internship with us interesting. They should also specify the period in which the internship will take place. Then we can immediately see if we have free capacity for supervision. There are no special requirements, really. Pupils should just be open-minded and enjoy technical things. If we find the person interesting, we invite them to a telephone interview and then decide whether they will be offered an internship.

Thank you very much for your time, Yidong, and for providing insights into an internship with you in the CXS department.

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