12. July 2019
1 Minute

SAP Commerce Datahub is no longer a future-proof alternative – what now?

On July 27th, 2019 Tyler MacWilliam (SAP) held a webinar titled "Know Your Integration Options for SAP Commerce Cloud". In this webinar, he not only discussed SAP Commerce Cloud (SCC) integration options, but also showed how different integration options can be distinguished from each other. The SAP expert paid particular attention to how users best select the appropriate integration option.

One important insight first: In the future, the Data Hub contained in the SAP Commerce Cloud will no longer be a strategic option for the integration of external systems. Customers who use Data Hub should focus on a long-term switch to SAP Cloud Platform Integration (SCPI) for the strategic alignment of their platform.

Of course, the switch depends on various factors. On the one hand, the company’s own business objectives; on the other hand, which alternative integration options are available. In addition to the strategic purpose, the chosen integration option also depends on its availability, support, and adaptation costs.

If, for example, you currently operation uses Data Hub, you should consider whether you want to migrate to the SCPI in the future or use an unsupported version of Data Hub. If neither is an option, the use of the existing hot folder would also be a possibility.