22. August 2019
3 Minutes
Personen, die in einem Büro arbeiten.

Better collaboration with Microsoft Teams

Like many companies, you may already be using Microsoft cloud solutions such as Office 365. But are you using the Microsoft Teams included in most license plans in a way that really adds value to your company? Our top tips for your start with Microsoft Teams.

Teams are not just departments

Internationalization, specialist departments spread across several locations, integration of external consultants, suppliers and partners makes the already complex world of today’s business landscape even more exciting. Collaboration via distributed teams offers great opportunities to utilize the best technical experts and regional advantages. However, it also offers room for distance, misunderstandings and conflicts. We used to all sit in the conference room, but today it’s almost impossible in terms of costs. To prevent this trap from becoming a stumbling block in your agile work, Microsoft Teams offers simple ways to create a shared workspace – a Team Space. But be careful! Do not simply map the existing organizational chart in Microsoft Teams. Ideally, teams should emerge from a task or a project. And remember: teams do not have to be permanent – once a project is completed, the team in question can also be archived.

Re-study your collaboration

Previous tools such as file servers or SharePoint file repositories, various communication media such as Webex, Skype, classic telephony and not forgetting good old e-mail usually support neither the speed nor the effectiveness of collaborative working. Not to mention the jumble of Word and Excel documents, different versions (_NEW, _Final, _Final_New…) and various “secret” documents on users’ local devices.

With Microsoft Teams, you can reorganize your work and bring it to life in one place – or hub. Combine familiar tools such as planning tools, calculations, presentations with modern chats and communication in a single solution. Thematic workspaces – called “channels” in Microsoft Teams – in your Team Space (project space) ensure that all information and documents are perfectly organized and also available on the move. When introducing Teams, remember to show the technical possibilities in detail to everyone involved. After all, the basic logic of teams differs from working methods that have been practiced for years. The good news is that once the new filing and collaboration method is in people’s heads, it won’t be so easy to get rid of.

Start small and develop working methods

The introduction of Microsoft Teams is done quickly. However, there is a lack of suitable concepts for different user groups. Start a pilot project with a small, technology-savvy working group. They can share their experiences and best practices with their colleagues during the roll-out. Remember: As with any software, simply rolling out Microsoft Teams does not offer any added value, but can even lead to paralysis and excessive demands. If you feel unsure or have the feeling that you are not using the solution optimally, our experts will be happy to help. In addition to pure technological consulting, we also offer to develop target group-oriented concepts and working methods.

Integrate the right tools

As much as we all want to work in a modern and future-oriented way, classic telephony still exists – for emergencies in production, for fire department messages, for a simple fax or for switching accessibility groups. We would be happy to connect your new Teams platform with your existing telecommunications platform. Fully integrated and future-proof.