19. July 2022
2 Minutes
Meet our teams. Gruppenfoto mit

Meet our teams – five questions for our hardworking sales team

In this series, we would like to introduce you to the various teams within the Arineo Group: how do we work and what makes us tick? We'll give you some insights and, of course, hope to hear some interesting anecdotes and personal stories from the employees who make up our corporate culture.

We will start with our sales and consulting experts from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 sales team.

But first, three interesting facts:

  • The sales department started three years ago with six people.
  • Since then, the team has grown to thirteen people at eight locations in Germany and abroad.
    The team works (almost) every day to implement intelligent business solutions for our customers around the Microsoft Dynamics D365 enterprise platform.
  • In total, we have successfully completed over 250 customer projects in the manufacturing, retail, rental, and service industries.

Now that you know the most important things about the team, we naturally want to give them an opportunity to speak for themselves, so we asked them a few questions.

We have regular team meetings because…

we like to discuss the experiences we have with our customers daily. We want to learn so that, in the future, we can provide an even better response to the different needs and market requirements in the sales process.

What makes our meetings so special…

is that we talk and exchange ideas across divisions and locations, in an interdisciplinary and totally open manner. Everyone can and should be able to say anything, everything can and should be questioned. The goal is to improve.

Describe your team spirit in three words….

fun, solidarity, and trust.

We are especially proud of…

the success of our team and the opportunity to enable our colleagues from the operational units to work on cool projects with equally cool customers.

What we want to achieve…

we want to become bigger, stronger, and better overall. The only limits are due to our own lack of imagination.

Consultants, experts, developers, and solution architects from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 environment take note ➡️

Our team is looking forward to reinforcing their ranks with dedicated colleagues – have a look at our current IT jobs.