Arineo is part of this innovative movement for new entrepreneurship and is actively involved as a founding member. The Summit is an opportunity for investors, board members, managing directors, shareholders, and founders to make new contacts and partnerships, and exchange new ideas and inspiration, for innovations, sustainable business models, and social responsibility. The movement is aimed at those who want to unleash and rethink the economic potential within the economy with a focus on “Enkelfähigkeit”.
- Inspiring speakers
- Innovative solutions
- Best practices
- Exchange & networking
At the Enkelfähig Summit, top decision-makers will come together, who can make a difference and believe that performance-oriented management can be combined with ecological and social responsibility. There, they can freely exchange ideas with each other in a valued setting.
Two events in one place with one goal
In parallel, on the campus, Germany’s largest impact incubator is hosting the Anthropia Festival. Here is the opportunity to engage in discussions with over 300 sustainably oriented start-ups and innovators in the common outdoor area. Entrepreneurs get to know innovations and start-ups’ solutions. Investors can meet interesting cases.
September 7th and 8th, 2023 | Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH | Enkelfähig Campus | Franz-Haniel-Platz 1 | 47119 Duisburg
Program, Speakers, & Registration:

Dr. Marko Weinrich
Arineo Germany

Daniel Piekorz
Executive board
Arineo Germany