18. april 2023
3 Minutes

Arineo starts cooperation with Felix-Klein-Gymnasium

The Felix-Klein-Gymnasium (FKG) in Göttingen and Arineo GmbH want to give students practical insights into IT professions through their new cooperation. Furthermore, the cooperation is intended to contribute to the continuing digitization of the school.
3 Personen sitzend an einem Tisch:
Von links nach rechts: Dr. Wiebke Hoheisel, Ständige Vertreterin des Schulleiters Michael Brüggemann, Schulleiter Oliver Schild, Arineo und Vorsitzender des Schulelternrats des FKG

[Göttingen, April 18, 2023] With the signing of the cooperation agreement, the Göttingen IT service provider once again emphasizes its commitment to local schools. The aim of the collaboration with the Felix Klein Gymnasium is to get children and young people interested in STEM careers at an early stage. “With Arineo, we have found a committed cooperation partner that can provide our students and staff with fresh knowledge from IT practice,” Michael Brüggemann, principal of the FKG, is pleased about the newly concluded cooperation.

To this end, Arineo intends to support school IT projects, provide internships in the company, or inspire students for programming activities in the so-called hacker school. Also, Arineo staff will be on hand to advise the school on questions relating to digitization and the school’s internal IT infrastructure. In an initial project, Dr. Gerhard Heinzerling, AI expert at Arineo, will bring the FKG teachers up to date on ChatGPT. In addition to the cooperation, Arineo will financially support FKG’s IB Diploma Program. The program’s English-language instruction enables German and international students to earn the IB Diploma as an alternative to the German school leaving certificate (Abitur), and, thus, also an entry qualification for German and international universities. FKG is one of only two public schools in Germany to offer the IB Diploma Program. This is a further advantage for the region of southern Lower Saxony that should not be underestimated.

The still young Göttingen-based company is aware that training its own junior staff makes a significant contribution to the company’s success. This makes it all the more important to give children and young people access to practical experience at an early stage in order to attract them to IT activities. After all, in addition to analytical understanding or enjoying mathematics, IT professions also require so-called soft skills such as strong communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and fun in discovering and learning. “Many pupils do not even consider training in IT professions because they have the wrong idea about them. Through our cooperation, we want to provide practical insights and show how versatile application development is at Arineo,” says Eileen Zimbal, who is responsible for training at Arineo. Application developers, for example, work on solutions to simplify digital processes, which require a wide range of skills: Knowledge of various programming languages, knowledge of processes at client companies, communication skills in a team or with clients, and expertise in project management and business administration. Through the cooperation, Arineo wants to dispel prejudices and inspire young people, especially girls, for IT jobs.

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