IT meets business administration.

Dual study program in business informatics in Göttingen or Chemnitz

In the bachelor’s degree program, you will combine information technology know-how and sound business knowledge with practical experience gained from working on our national and international projects. You will learn the in-depth theoretical basics at university, while the practical training will take place at our company between semesters.

As an all-rounder, your bachelor’s degree will enable you to manage and specifically optimize business processes with the help of the latest information technologies. This provides you with excellent career prospects with us. You can, for example, start in a junior position, work in IT administration or software development, or contribute to IT consulting.

In short

Studies at the University of Hildesheim, practical phases in Göttingen

During the practical phases at the Göttingen offices, your focus will be on e-commerce, with the design and implementation of various online stores. You will gain valuable experience in national and international projects and get to know different technologies, such as Java, Angular, Spring, etc.

After successfully completing your studies, you can continue working with us in a permanent position as a junior with a focus on development, consulting, or project management.

Uni Hildesheim Logo

Study contents

1. Semester
  • Einführung Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • BWL 1
  • Ext. Rechnungswesen
  • Einführung in die Informatik
  • Programmieren in Java
2. Semester
  • Geschäftsprozessmanagament
  • BWL 2
  • Int. Rechnungswesen
  • Algorithmen & Datenstrukturen
  • Diskrete Methoden
3. Semester
  • Forschungsgegenstände & Methoden oder Praktikum
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Marketing A
  • Datenbanken
  • Statistische Methoden
4. Semester
  • IT-Recht oder Betriebliche Informationssysteme
  • Seminar Wahlpflicht
  • Analytische Methoden
5. Semester
  • Praxisphase im Unternehmen (mit Orientierung/Vorbereitung B.Sc. Thesis)
6. Semester
  • Vertiefung Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Vertiefung BWL/VWL
  • Projektseminar
  • Wahlbereich
7. Semester
  • Vertiefung Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Vertiefung BWL/VWL
  • Wahlbereich
  • Abschlussarbeit

Studies at BA Glauchau, practical phases in Chemnitz

During the practical phases at our offices in Chemnitz, your focus will be on ERP consulting or ERP development. You will gain initial experience in national and international projects and learn to adapt ERP systems such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance or Supply Chain Management to our customers’ requirements. You will deepen your programming knowledge and get to know medium-sized business processes in detail.

After successfully completing your studies, you can continue working with us in a permanent position as a junior with a focus on development, consulting, or project management.

Kooperations-Logo BA Glauchau

Study contents

1. Semester
  • Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Programmierung
  • Unternehmung im globalen Umfeld
  • Wirtschaftsmathematik
2. Semester
  • Methoden der Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • Datenbanken
  • Externes und internes Rechnungswesen
  • Theoretische Grundlagen der Informatik
3. Semester
  • Software Engineering
  • Rechnerarchitektur / Kommunikationssysteme
  • Volkswirtschaftslehre
  • Materialwirtschaft
4. Semester
  • IT-Management
  • Finanzmanagement
  • Recht
  • Englisch
  • Wahlpflichtmodul
5. Semester
  • Managementtechniken im IT-Projekt
  • Corporate Management
  • Wahlpflichtmodul
6. Semester
  • IT-Service und Konzepte
  • Wissensbasierte Systeme
  • Wahlpflichtmodul
  • Bachelor-Thesis

Studying business informatics sounds interesting to you.

What to expect:

Private use of hardware

Hardware Selection: You can choose your hardware from various options and use it for personal purposes as well

Hybrid Work Part-time

You can complete your training part-time, extending the overall duration accordingly. Working from home is also possible by arrangement.

Fitness & health

With Hansefit, you have many options for physical activities, tailored to your personal preferences.

Further developments

Individual development plans and specialized qualifications during and after training help you advance in your job.

Team events & parties

Together with other trainees, you can organize trainee events. At our employee parties, you can celebrate together with all your colleagues.


In our cooperative organization, you are valued as a person. You can contribute your own ideas and implement them independently.


With our individual working time models, you can organize your daily life of work, family, and leisure in a relaxed way.

30% Women in IT

We are above the average of 23% in the IT industry and are doing everything we can to further increase the rate.

Employee Assist Program

In critical life situations, you can get help quickly through INSITE. Free of charge and confidential.

Current study vacancies

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Position: Mitarbeiter (Alle)Zum Stellenportal

Cooperations & partnerships

Your application

Apply for one of our study vacancies or contact Eileen if you have any questions.

Have a look at our checklist to see what documents we need from you.