Our solutions in the ONEJOON project
Into the future with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
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ONEJOON, a globally operating manufacturer of industrial furnaces with its German headquarters in Southern Lower Saxony, faced the challenge of optimizing its existing customer-related processes. The previously used CRM system had become too inflexible for the company, which has 11 locations in 6 countries, and could no longer effectively meet the requirements of the growing international market.
Therefore, the technology leader in the field of thermal processes decided on a customized CRM solution from Microsoft Dynamics. The best part: with the custom-developed sanction list check Arineo.Screening, ONEJOON ensures that no transactions with sanctioned companies are possible.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM system was configured to consider the specific requirements of each country while providing a unified and consistent user experience.
Each location should be able to work with country-specific currencies and daily exchange rates to facilitate the evaluation of sales forecasts in international cooperation.
Sanctioned companies should be quickly recognizable to all users. The processing of data records should be automatically blocked by the system. Any minor record changes should trigger a re-evaluation against the sanction lists.
Ongoing operations could not be disrupted under any circumstances; at the same time, existing processes had to be reviewed, analyzed, and restructured.
The custom-developed sanctions list check, Arineo.screening, automatically validates all newly created company data in the CRM. When data for a new company or contact is entered, it is cross-checked against sanction lists to determine if the person or company is listed. If this is the case, the record is immediately blocked for all users. Even if a record is modified, such as a new address or e-mail, the sanction check is immediately re-triggered.
This ensures that no one within the company can work with sanctioned individuals or company data. This approach makes work safer and more efficient, as everyone in the company always has access to the same information.
Additionally, the team developed Arineo.FX, a currency conversion tool that provides daily exchange rates. This add-on enables a precise evaluation of sales forecasts in international cooperation. This allows employees from different countries to view their projects in their respective local currencies.
For example, an employee from China can see a project in Chinese yuan, while an employee from the USA can view the same project in US dollars. A simple and continuous evaluation before the sale is of great importance, especially for large projects that span long periods and multiple countries. The tool enhances acceptance of the new system and facilitates international collaboration within the company.
The sanctions list screening implemented by Arineo automatically checks all newly created personal and company data in the background. This ensures that we are always on the right side of the law. That gives us peace of mind and makes our work easier.”
Marcel Zufuss
Sales – CRM Project Manager
Into the future with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
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