Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

Keep a constant eye on the company's success

Even in good economic times, an up-to-date and complete view of the company’s financial situation is immensely reassuring. And when reliable figures support your gut feeling when making important decisions, you are well prepared for the next step. However, providing these numbers is easier said than done. After all, finance must also provide creative solutions for new business models and processes.

The good news is: with Dynamics 365 Finance and its integration into the Dynamics 365 product family, diverse company structures with different requirements can be represented in one ERP platform. 365 is an integrated system with many areas that are all linked to the financial area. Thus, the structures are not only mapped in the finance area but in the entire ERP and the ecosystem. There is a cost ceiling but no financial ceiling.

Make decisions based on current and sound figures

In daily work, the finance department benefits significantly from an integrated ERP system. The company’s business processes automatically generate value flow transactions. These enable financial reports to be prepared based on up-to-date data. Localization of the audited Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance application for 43 countries ensures global application deployment. Specifically, this means that you can use one standard for your entire company.

Eine Person, die vor einem Laptop mit Smartphone in der Hand sitzt und mit Microsoft Dynamics D365 jederzeit die Finanzsituation des Unternehmens im Blick hat.

Advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

Meet compliance requirements

Localized financial accounting guarantees compliance with country-specific requirements, legal guidelines, and documentation obligations.

Many clients - one system

The multi-client capability maps even complex international group structures

Intercompany functionality

The intercompany functionality maps the business processes within complex national and international company structures.

Calculate with real-time data

Cost accounting uses real-time data from business operations so that ad hoc evaluations are possible.

All data at a glance

PowerBI integration fulfills analytics and reporting needs and delivers results in the form of meaningful dashboards.


Everything you wanted to know about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance is the financial management module from the Dynamics 365 product family. Together with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, it forms the core of the integrated ERP solution. The software was originally developed under the name Axapta and later, Dynamics AX. On its way to the cloud, it became part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 product family, together with Microsoft CRM.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance includes financial accounting as well as cost accounting and controlling functionality. Integration with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 product family provides a comprehensive eco-system that dynamically adapts to the requirements of medium and large companies and corporations, regardless of the business model.

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