apetito AG

Efficient vehicle management with Microsoft Power Apps

Vehicle management with Microsoft Power Platform at apetito AG

Until three integrated Power Apps were introduced to manage its over 1,000 vehicles, apetito AG’s vehicle management had maintained its master data in Excel and handover protocols in Word.

The market leader for community meals wanted a more precise overview of its 518 fresh-food vans (delivery vehicles with integrated ovens – so-called combi-steamers – for preparing meals in the vehicle), 107 trucks, and 520 cars across 18 locations.

The choice was between introducing a classic fleet management tool or programming a personalized Power App. The customizability of the Microsoft Power Apps and the low monthly costs convinced the management of the company group with over 12,000 employees.

Fahrzeugmanagement mit Microsoft Power Apps: apetito zeigt, wie es geht!

apetito AG's fleet management oversees its more than 1,000 vehicles, its mobile combi-steamers for meal preparation in the vehicle, and all handover protocols with Microsoft Power Apps

The Requirements

We have improved data quality with the Power App and can manage our fleet much more efficiently. The practical export function allows us to provide current and historical data at the push of a button – for example, for the budget process. I can confidently say this: not only my team is enthusiastic about the new solution!”
Heiko Schreck
Head of Strategy Distribution & Vehicle Management

More horsepower for fleet management with the Power Platform

Screenshot der Power App zum Fahrzeugmanagement

The Arineo team programmed three integrated canvas apps for apetito’s fleet management: a central, desktop-optimized back-office app for fleet management, a smartphone app for managing the delivery vehicles, and a smartphone app for the monthly mileage reporting of company cars.

The company’s more than 1,000 vehicles are centrally recorded in the back-office app, and all relevant details for each vehicle are maintained. These details include the vehicle history, the installed modules, the location, and, if necessary, an automatic calculation of the vehicle’s age and useful life, as well as the installed mobile combi-steamer. In the management dashboard, the team can see all relevant information at a glance, edit it with one click, and filter the entries by any criteria. All data from the other two apps flows into this central app.

The smartphone app for delivery vehicles includes a checklist, FAQs about the vehicle, and a digital handover protocol. This protocol documents the condition of the delivery vehicle and, if applicable, the installed accessories. Any defects are marked directly in the app and documented photographically. All handover data is transmitted to the central back-office app and checked by fleet management. Once the team validates the protocol, the vehicle’s location in the master data is updated with the data from the handover protocol.

  •  Step1

Company car app

CO2 calculation at the push of a button

Once a month, the company car app reminds all vehicle owners to enter the current mileage and average consumption. This data is transferred to the central back-office app and used to calculate the CO2 emissions of apetito’s fleet. This procedure is convenient for all company car users and is well received.

The mobile app for documenting vehicle handovers is a quantum leap in the dynamic daily business. We can now react to problems much faster and more adequately because the digital handover protocols are available in real time, and we can better assess the vehicle’s condition using the photos.”

Yannick Busse

Head of Transport Distribution Center Hilden, apetito AG

Our solutions in the apetito project

Generate more business success with Microsoft Power Platform.

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