Agile IT project management

Agile project approach for your software implementation

Do you need a new ERP, a modern CRM, or a high-end online store? Then you and your company are facing a marathon. So in addition to endurance, a good plan is needed. But what makes a good plan? A specification sheet that is as detailed as possible and may be obsolete shortly after completion? We don’t believe in that.

In our IT projects, we rely on an agile project approach with a high level of transparency and daily progress controlling in Power BI. We also pass on our knowledge of agile project methodologies to your project team - in line with our claim Passion to empower people.

Agile wins

We are convinced that we can serve our client companies faster, more efficiently and to a higher quality with an agile project approach. Why is this? Because in a fast-moving time like ours, it makes no sense to create rigid plans.

At the start of the project, we develop a minimum viable product (MVP) with our customers.

The MVP is as lean a version of the future product as possible. It is strongly oriented to the software standard, can be implemented quickly, and helps to minimize project risk.

Sprint for sprint to the finish

With the MVP, we create a crystal-clear definition of the end product – and we get closer to this with each sprint during the course of the project. Before each new sprint, we decide which aspects should now be implemented for this MVP. With our agile IT project approach, we can react faster, more efficiently and more adequately to changes in your business, on the manufacturer side or during the course of the project. The standardized templates of our framework and our proven process map also enable a particularly fast start to the project. Even employees who are only involved in projects on a selective basis due to their specialization can quickly find their way around thanks to our special methodology and can contribute extremely efficiently to the success of the project.

We had less than 200 hours of development time for adjustments at go-live with a minimum viable product.
Marcel Aurnhammer
Lead Global Business Applications & Processes – TecAlliance

Agile IT project management in four phases

We base our agile project methodology on Scrum. The project has four distinct project phases: the ramp-up phase, the build phase, the deploy phase, and the go-live phase.

The best part: We have incorporated the Scrum ideas into our project management framework and added our own project reporting toolset. This enables us to provide precise information on the progress of the project at any time and to state the project success rate. After all, agile definitely does not mean aimless!

In dieser ersten Projektphase bauen wir die Systemlandschaft auf, trainieren die Key User, klären Verantwortlichkeiten und bauen den Product Backlog für das MVP auf. Kurz: wir machen das Projekt startklar.  

Die Go-live-Phase ist der Zeitpunkt, ab dem die Lösung produktiv genutzt wird. Ziel dieser Hyper-Care-Phase ist, das Projekt abzuschließen und es in den Application Managed Service zu übergeben.

Die Deploy Phase beinhaltet Aktivitäten zur Vorbereitung des Go-live: der User Acceptance Test, die Bereitstellung der Produktivumgebung und -daten, die Finalisierung des Rechtekonzepts und die End-User Trainings.

Die Build Phase ist das Herz Ihres IT-Projekts. In Sprints – also Zeiträumen von maximal fünf Wochen – erstellen wir ein nutzbares und potenziell releasebares Product Increment. Am Ende jedes Sprints überprüfen wir den Backlog und passen ihn wenn nötig an.

How you benefit from our unique project approach

Maximum transparency

Among other things, we use Azure DevOps to document our projects as transparently as possible. All project members can view the sprint progress via the standardized dashboards.

Daily Power BI report

In our Power BI report, you can check the progress of the project on a daily basis and react quickly to any anomalies in the project process – regardless of the project area in which they occur.


It goes without saying that we train your employees. In this way, you can build up an internal competence team for agile project management!

Our project methodology is characterized by the fact that, despite our agile approach, we know exactly where we stand in the project. This creates clarity for everyone involved. At the end of each sprint, the client company’s employees present the results in a system demo. This gives all future users early and recurring contact with the new system. This helps to maximize acceptance of the new software within the company.”

Danijel Vucic

Senior ERP Consultant, Arineo GmbH

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Get to know our project approach

Exchange ideas with our project management team and get to know our project approach even better. Together we will take a look at our process map and the reporting toolset and answer all your questions.


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We love, teach, like IT

We focus on long-term relationships.

Wir mögen Konstanz – mit unseren Mitarbeitenden genauso wie mit unseren Geschäftspartnern und Kunden. Durch die starke Bindung unserer Mitarbeitenden stellen wir sicher, dass Sie langfristig von den gleichen Ansprechpersonen betreut werden. Das wirkt sich positiv auf die Qualität unserer Beratungsdienstleistungen und unsere gemeinsame Geschäftsbeziehung aus.

Don't be afraid of big numbers.

We are very familiar with complex IT projects. Our project managers have a lot of best practices for your project success.

Shared knowledge is double knowledge!

Our experts pass on their knowledge to your specialist team during agile IT projects.

Your request

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Wibke Jellinghaus
Projektmanagerin und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung