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New Power for your Company

Modern Workplace

Microsoft 365, Power Platform and Center of Excellence

Every company has its own procedures and internal processes – and that’s a good thing! Because yours is not a cookie-cutter company, but a mature cooperation of your employees, suppliers, and customers. If the processes mesh smoothly and efficiently, everyone is happy. But how do you manage the balancing act of keeping sensible habits and moving away from outdated practices at the same time? And can team spirit be awakened in virtual collaboration? As a Microsoft Solutions Partner for Digital und App Innovationen (Azure) we work with you to develop solutions that really fit your business – so you get more out of your digital transformation.

Modern Workplace for all business areas

Since our founding, we have relied on Microsoft 365, the Power Platform, the Center of Excellence, and smart enterprise content management solutions – and are happy to share our best practices with our client companies.

Digital Process Automation

Ein junger Mann lehnt sich an eine Wand und nutzt auf seinem Handy eine App auf Basis der Microsoft Power Platform.

Power Platform, Power Apps and Power Automate

Compliance and Governance

Junge Frau im grauen Blazer bei einer Besprechung zur Verbesserung der Governance und Compliance mit der Microsoft Power Platform und dem Center of Excellence.

Governance under control – with the Center of Excellence (CoE)

Enterprise Content Management

Person hält Tablet in der Hand

Invoice Management and Output Management

Power Apps for your business

With automated processes in the right place, you not only achieve a significant reduction in your team’s workload – you also create new ways of doing things. Use our ready-made Power Apps or empower your teams to digitalize their processes themselves!

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SAP Gold Partner
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优秀。 如果我们这样做,我们会做得很好! 我们获得微软金牌和解决方案合作伙伴以及 SAP 金牌合作伙伴资格绝非偶然。 而我们优秀的信用评级已被Creditreform多次确认。

Whether copper or fiber optic – your direct line to us.