Covestro AG

Commerce. PIM. Service.


Easy Ordering & Service in over 100 countries with personalized landingpages & multichanel notifications with over 10.000 Events per day. Real-time order and delivery tracking based data of numerous connected Logic Service Providers.

Arineo at Covestro

CX Strategy Consulting

User Experience, Requirement Engineering, Application Infrastructure Architecture. At first hand. At first hand.

SAP Commerce

Commerce & PIM. Consulting, development and operations.

SAP Cloud Platform

Signature service processes and integration in development and operations.

AMS Premium

Guaranteed SLA's, preventive maintenance and a personal service manager.

We are pleased to have found such a trustworthy partner. Arineo’s experts understand our needs and always find a suitable solution – no matter how complicated our requests are.”
Jan Prigge
Director IT Customer Interaction, Covestro AG

Solution Center

The integrated Product Information Module of SAP Commerce builds the basis for a state-of-the-art headless CMS approach in combination with Sitecore with an easy-to-use product finder.

Tank Farm Assessment

A digitalized auditing process which helps customers to improve their safety standards in a sustainable and efficient manner. Built on SAP Cloud Platform.


Covestro uses Arineo AMS Premium to ensure a smooth and easy run with a minimum of internal effort. From Application Support, Service Management, Preventive Maintenance and Monitoring to individual trainings.

Our solutions in the Covestro project

Generate more business success with SAP E-Commerce.

Your request

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Whether copper or fiber optic – your direct line to us.

Philipp Stickling
Philipp Stickling
Member of the management board