17. december 2024
4 Minutes
Praktikant Vitus Dettendorfer in Kopenhagen

Working student Vitus Dettendorfer at the Denmark office

My name is Vitus Dettendorfer, and I would like to share my journey at Arineo. I am studying for a Master's degree in Management at Georg-August University and joined Arineo in the summer of 2023. After working for ten months as a student assistant in project management at the Göttingen office, I took the next step. I completed an internship at the Copenhagen office to develop my career further.

How did you hear about Arineo?

I first encountered Arineo in the lecture hall in Göttingen. While looking for a suitable student assistant position in project management, I got talking to an Arineo employee who was running one of my university tutorials. He introduced me to the Arineo concept. I learned more about the company in a subsequent conversation. I was so impressed by the idea and the working environment that I didn’t hesitate to submit my application. What particularly appealed to me was the opportunity to combine IT, project management, and digital transformation in an increasingly international project context.

What tasks did you take on during your time in Göttingen?

As a working student, I was part of the project management team. In addition to supporting internal topics such as organizational development, my primary focus was supporting project management in a client project. I was involved with one of the largest international projects. My responsibilities included quality management oversight, assisting with monthly billing, and internal team communication. The chance to explore various areas made those first ten months at Arineo particularly exciting for me. I got to experience the vibrant company culture and familiarize myself with a job profile that suited my interests.

How did the stay in Denmark come about?

Aiming to take the next professional step within the Arineo culture, I was looking for a new challenge. I found this during an international internship at the Copenhagen office. My internship was approved after an internal application process, and the Danish managing director presented my idea to the management team. I was looking forward to five exciting months in Denmark’s capital.

What is it like to work at the Copenhagen office?

Working on-site in Denmark means being part of an international team and experiencing cultural exchange. As I was the only person from Germany, we only spoke English, Danish or Swedish. The office is located in a coworking space, allowing me to connect with other companies and providing a very inspiring working environment. At the same time, the team in Denmark was much smaller than in Göttingen, creating a close-knit working atmosphere. From day one, I felt that the Arineo corporate culture was also present here – with lots of communication and interaction, which was particularly enjoyable for me. It gave me many new insights and allowed me to adopt a different perspective.

What tasks did you take on in Denmark?

My work in Denmark built upon the skills I had previously developed. In the client project, I increasingly assumed the junior project manager role, taking on additional tasks in project controlling and client communication. I was involved in a major project that I worked on throughout my entire stay. I also supported the project management team with client acquisition and site development. These tasks enabled me to expand my skills and learn many new things that will help me in the future. At the same time, I became more aware of areas I need to improve and the skills I still need to develop. At the end of my internship, I clearly understood where I wanted to go professionally and the steps required to achieve that goal.

What inspired you most about your stay in Denmark?

What excited me the most was the dynamic created by the opportunity to live in one of Europe’s most livable cities while working on digital transformation topics for corporate structures. I found my time in Copenhagen to be very exciting, interesting, and inspiring. There were always new things to learn and discover and moments when I had the necessary time for reflection.

Following my internship in Denmark, I immediately began a semester abroad in Shanghai. I can only thank Arineo for all the incredible experiences, and I hope that we will continue to work together on other exciting projects in the future.

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