11. december 2024
3 Minutes
Verena Heyn

Strengthening strengths – focusing on individual abilities

In our teams, we focus on the individual strengths and abilities of each person, applying them where they can have the most significant impact. We create a dynamic and meaningful workday through self-organized work and independently taking responsibility for our tasks. But what exactly do we mean when we talk about strengthening strengths? We asked our colleague Verena Heyn from HR Development for her insights.

Strengthening strengths sounds very positive, but what exactly does it mean?

Verena: Our colleagues should be able to thrive in areas they enjoy and use the abilities they excel at. They can and should express and contribute their talents. Here, as a result, tasks are distributed based on strengths, particularly concerning management tasks. By this, we mean the aspect of management work needed to develop and support people or maintain oversight through effective controlling. Also, colleagues can change or expand their roles, for example, if they feel the need for personal development.

How do we identify our colleagues’ strengths and decide where to apply them?

Verena: Most people have a good sense of their own strengths. Indicators include questions such as: “What do I enjoy?” or “What do I get positive feedback for?” but also “What comes easily to me?”. Thanks to our cooperative organization, we have a variety of roles in which colleagues can contribute, such as internal coordination or project task distribution.

Can colleagues also use their strengths outside of their primary roles?

Verena: We offer a wide range of internal and external projects in which colleagues can contribute based on their strengths and motivation. Here is a small illustrative example: during her training as an application developer, a colleague had the idea of organizing a “hacker school” for students to give them a practical insight into IT. The idea was to promote IT as a field and meet motivated people who might consider starting an apprenticeship with us. She has since successfully planned and run the Hackerschool multiple times. This colleague had the opportunity to contribute her strengths: initiative, organizational talent, the ability to teach, and technical expertise—all outside her primary role as an application developer.

What role do you play as a personnel developer in supporting colleagues in developing their strengths?

Verena: For example, we’ve created a Development Center that serves as a point of orientation. Its purpose is to assess where, for example, our project managers stand regarding the skills they need to succeed in their roles. Through various exercises, we identify the competencies they excel in and those that require further development. We then work on these areas together.

How does the “strengthen strengths” approach affect the work experience?

Verena: Of course, it motivates colleagues when they can leverage their strengths effectively in their daily work. We also recognize that working within one’s strengths and supporting our colleagues in those situations is not always possible. Here, we rely on their independence and willingness to embrace new challenges.

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