9. december 2019
1 Minute
4 junge Kolleg:innen der Arineo, sitzend vor einer Mauer mit Laptop auf dem Schoß.

These are young colleagues…

.. some of you might have thought when we had three school trainees at the age of 15 and 16 at our Göttingen location for two weeks at the end of October. During this time, our trainees learned something about Arineo, programming, and project work. In addition, they were able to gain insights into our three major specialist areas: Microsoft Dynamics, Customer Experience, and Microsoft Office 365 and the work involved.

Perhaps the most exciting practical thing that the interns were able to do was the Arduino. With the help of this construction kit, they completed small tasks: initially limited to the use of various sensors, displays, LEDs, and input options, they then programmed an access control using NFC cards.

In order to apply their theoretical knowledge to a practical example, the students worked on a self-selected project at the end of their work experience. For a fictitious client who needed a new POS system for his Chinese fast food restaurant, the trainees worked together to create a requirement specification, a performance specification, a process diagram, and source code.

The feedback from our trainees was very positive. They really enjoyed their stay and their activities with us. Working with the Arduino construction kit was especially enjoyable for them.

We can only second this positive impression. Our supervisors also had a lot of fun working with the trainees.