Our solutions in the Geck project
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In February 2022, J.D. Geck GmbH, from Altena, gave the go-ahead for the installation of a CRM system. Previously, the sales team of the specialist for point-of-sale equipment had been using the CRM functionalities available in Microsoft AX 2009. However, they increasingly encountered limitations: there was no pipeline overview, and working with the tool was cumbersome.
The Geck sales team opted for the Azure solution Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales. The installation project, including the integration of the new solution with the existing on-site Microsoft AX 2009, was entrusted to the long-standing team at Arineo GmbH by the traditional company from Sauerland. Eight months later, the expanded IT landscape was ready for use. The users gained access to the system from the cloud, which has since boosted their sales activities.
On-site and cloud in harmony: Geck uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales from the cloud for sales - but all quotation data still comes from on-site Microsoft AX 2009.
The ongoing sales processes were not allowed to be disrupted by the new installation under any circumstances.
The new CRM from the cloud should seamlessly connect to the existing on-site Microsoft AX 2009, the product data management system BlueStar PLM for versioning CAD drawings, and custom-developed project software from the cloud.
The sales process should run across three systems: Microsoft AX 2009, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales, and a custom solution for project management.
The Arineo team installed Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales according to best practices and trained Geck’s sales team in its use. In the future, Arineo will continue to provide Geck with support and strategic development of the software.
The experts at Arineo installed Azure Service Bus as a middleware between the ERP, the custom project management software, and the new CRM. Quotations will continue to be created in the ERP as before. After that, the data for forecasting and further processing is sent to the new CRM via the Azure Service Bus.
Since the introduction of the new system, the sales team has been able to access extensive analyses of its sales activities. The Dynamics dashboards provide real-time information about the pipeline, forecast, open opportunities, and leads, among other things.
I love my new dashboards in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales! With them, I have our sales activities in view at all times and can react more quickly to any anomalies. The new system has significantly simplified our teamwork!”
Volker Koeller
Sales manager – J.D. Geck GmbH
Generate more sales success with Microsoft Dynamics.
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