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Live Commerce

HSE Live Commerce

Complex testing and approval processes bundled in one Power App

Process optimization via transparent workflow between departments

HSE is a leading European provider of live commerce. Whether via one of the three TV channels, the online store, the award-winning HSE app, or the new social commerce app, HSE HELLO – customers decide when and where they stop at HSE. HSE represents the most entertaining form of shopping and inspires its customers with a curated product range of 17,000 articles from fashion, jewelry, beauty, wellness, household, and home & living.

Each year, a large number of contracts for a wide variety of areas have to be prepared, factually and legally verified, approved, and finalized. A highly complex review and approval process between different departments and a challenge that is both time-consuming and stressful. Not to mention the flood of e-mails. How to reduce the stress and stem the tide, but still keep everyone informed?

Home Shopping Europe - vereinfachte Prozesse durch Microsoft Power Apps

Together with HSE, the Arineo team transferred the contracts' entry forms and processes into a digital workflow and bundled everything in the EFABO app for data entry.

The challenges

HSE orchestrates the legal compliance requirements in terms of internal processes and legal requirements with the EFABO Power App. It ensures the necessary structures and provides comprehensive transparency into every step of the process. Together with the Arineo experts, we have developed a customized solution for our business.”

Günther Sailer

General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer

One app as a central platform for all departments

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The central dashboard is the common communication hub and provides all parties with a quick overview of operations and processes. All authorization and approval processes within and between the various departments were bundled and clearly mapped by Arineo in a central app. Thus, the processes are always visible, transparent, and traceable for all parties at a glance without the need for lengthy searches.

Communication takes place exclusively in the application itself, which automatically stems the flood of e-mails, while still providing the same level of information to everyone involved. Here, comments are presented in a manner similar to an audit, where it is clearly marked who wrote which comment or question. The entry forms were clearly structured for the respective workflows with the help of Arineo and can be operated intuitively and quickly. At a glance, the automatic time and name stamp shows which person commented on which process and when. All approval and review processes are triggered in the app at the touch of a button and automatically generate notifications to stakeholders via MS Outlook and MS Teams. The direct link in the notification, combined with SSO, simplifies the process.

The integration with the existing legal management software was elegantly solved with the help of innovative Robotic Process Automation (RPA workflow). This has the advantage that no new interface had to be programmed, thus saving time and costs.

Our solutions in the HSE project

Easily create more transparency with Power Apps.

The EFABO Power App creates significant added value for all departments. EFABO makes the complex review and approval process more efficient, reduces the time required, automatically creates traceable documentation, and creates transparency for everyone involved.”

Lisa Grüneisl

Legal Coordinator

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