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Training as an IT specialist in application development gives you excellent career prospects. Also here.
After a successful final exam, a permanent position is in sight. Depending on the area in which you complete your training with us, you will become a professional in the creation, expansion, and maintenance of e-business solutions or ERP systems.
Application developers master programming languages like other people master foreign languages. Our specialists use them to develop online stores or ERP systems, for example. To this end, they are also very familiar with the underlying processes in companies.
Take a look at the contents of our training and check out what else you will learn.
In deiner Ausbildung lernst du, Software zu entwickeln und vor allem zu erweitern. Dein Job ist es, die Software so zu programmieren, dass der Kunde bestmöglich damit arbeiten kann und das System zuverlässig läuft. Dafür musst du dich regelmäßig mit deinen Kolleg:innen und dem Auftraggeber abstimmen. Hierbei lernst du, Vorgaben aufzunehmen, sie in Code umzuwandeln und deine Ideen überzeugend zu präsentieren. Du wirst auch lernen, Anwendungen so zu programmieren, dass die Nutzer:innen sie möglichst einfach bedienen können.
Sobald du deine Anwendung fertig programmiert hast, heißt es: testen, testen, testen. Denn du trägst die Verantwortung dafür, dass deine Anwendung auf jedem Betriebssystem und Endgerät funktioniert, die Schnittstellen zu externen Systemen einwandfrei laufen und Daten dort auftauchen, wo sie sollen. Erst wenn die Anwendung gründlich geprüft ist und alle Fehler behoben sind, wird sie beim Kunden eingeführt. Im Rahmen deiner Ausbildung wirst du nicht nur von deinem Team entwickelte Systeme testen und ausbessern, sondern auch bestehende Anwendungen, die dein Kundenunternehmen bereits im Einsatz hat.
Jedem Projekt liegt ein Angebot zugrunde. Zu dessen Erstellung sind im Vorfeld wichtige Fragen zu klären: Wie lange wird es dauern, die Kundenwünsche umzusetzen? Wie viele Mitarbeiter:innen werden daran beteiligt sein? Und vor allem: welche Kosten kommen auf den Kunden zu? Die Klärung dieser Fragen dient zudem dazu, später einen reibungslosen Projektablauf sicherzustellen. Als Azubi beteiligst du dich an der Erstellung von Angeboten und lernst, worauf dabei zu achten ist.
Du arbeitest bei uns immer im Team bzw. in verschiedenen Teams und wirst im Lauf deiner Ausbildung auch ersten Kundenkontakt haben. Deine Soft Skills, also deine persönlichen Kompetenzen, sind uns daher mindestens genauso wichtig wie deine fachliche Ausbildung. Zu den Soft Skills gehören beispielsweise kritisches Mitdenken, eine konstruktive Meinungsäußerung, Flexibilität, Resilienz oder Toleranz.
Which is your preference? Online store or process automation? We develop solutions for our customers based on SAP and Microsoft technologies. The two market leaders’ software differs greatly, also in the programming languages. Therefore, we have two training directions.
Planning, development, and maintenance of online stores based on SAP technologies.
An online store is a special form of electronic commerce, also called e-commerce. Online stores are usually very complex websites through which goods are offered and sold. The perfect online store offers customers a true online shopping experience. Our goal is to build online stores that enable our customers to sell their products even more successfully.
Programming languages
Java, JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS
Web development, Design, Interfaces, Usability
Planning, development, customization, and maintenance of Microsoft Dynamics 365, one of the largest ERP systems in the world.
This software can be used to control all of a company’s business processes. From procurement to manufacturing, supply chains, or warehousing, to human resources and finance. Through application development with Microsoft Dynamics 365, we help our customers achieve more efficient processes. This saves them time and money.
Programming languages
SQL, X++, C#
Development and extension of the standard software Microsoft Dynamics 365, implementation of interfaces to other systems.
You’re no wiser than you were before? No problem, let’s find out together which focus suits you best. Feel free to send us an E-Mail.
This is what awaits you in our two IT specialist training courses for application developers:
We look forward to meeting you and quickly bringing you into our team. Among other things, you will take part in trainee events and projects.
We want to shape your training together with you. So that we know where you stand, what you need, and what you may be lacking, we hold a feedback meeting with you after 4, 8, and 16 weeks. After that twice a year.
If you have any questions, you will have an experienced mentor or trainer to talk to. They help you with quick and unbureaucratic advice and assistance.
The vocational school for apprentices in Göttingen is located in Einbeck, while the one for apprentices from Butzbach is in Butzbach or Friedberg.
For travel to the vocational school, you have the choice between a travel allowance and a Deutschland-ticket.
In the first year of training, you usually attend school two days a week. In the following years, then usually only one day per week.
During the first year of training, classes are held together with IT specialists in system integration and IT salespeople.
Choose between Göttingen and Butzbach. We focus on training our application developers in Göttingen. For the CXS area, we have additional apprenticeships in Butzbach.
We ensure fair payment
1st training year = €1.050
2nd training year = €1.100
3rd training year = €1.200
Hardware Selection: You can choose your hardware from various options and use it for personal purposes as well
You can complete your training part-time, extending the overall duration accordingly. Working from home is also possible by arrangement.
With Hansefit, you have many options for physical activities, tailored to your personal preferences.
Individual development plans and specialized qualifications during and after training help you advance in your job.
Together with other trainees, you can organize trainee events. At our employee parties, you can celebrate together with all your colleagues.
In our cooperative organization, you are valued as a person. You can contribute your own ideas and implement them independently.
With our individual working time models, you can organize your daily life of work, family, and leisure in a relaxed way.
We are above the average of 23% in the IT industry and are doing everything we can to further increase the rate.
In critical life situations, you can get help quickly through INSITE. Free of charge and confidential.
What are you waiting for? Apply quickly for one of our apprenticeships or contact Eileen if you have any questions.
In your cover letter, tell us what makes you tick: what interests you have, what IT topics particularly appeal to you, what you like to do in your free time, and what team experience you were able to gain in school or in your free time. We’re keen to hear how you found Arineo and why you’re applying to work with us.
Have a look at our checklist to see what documents we need from you.
Application deadline. Send us your documents in good time, preferably right after the summer vacation. In fact, we usually interview candidates in the fall/winter for the start of training in August of the following year.